Trucker cap

From €3.83 excl. imprint
Unitprice with imprint: €3.83
Net total: €3.83
Gross total: €4.71


Quantity Unit price
from 1 €3.83*
Your price
Article Quantity Price Sum
Trucker cap 1x €3.83 €3.83
Unitprice with imprint: €3.83
Net total: €3.83
Gross total: €4.71
Product number: A24-301670
Product information "Trucker cap"
Baseball cap with pre-shaped foam front, foam flap and plastic backside in mesh fabric for optimal ventilation. Adjustable plastic strap.
Color: Green
Country of Origin: CN
Customs Tariff Number: 6505003000
Material: synthetic material
Production time: - on the front (max 100 x 50 mm), silkscreen print: Production time 10 working days after final approval
- on the front (max 100 x 50 mm), silkscreen transfer: Production time 10 working days after final approval
Weight: 49g

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